Chiropractor in Forest Lake, MN

  • 15226 W Freeway Drive NE.
  • |
  • Forest Lake, MN 55025
  • |
  • 651.653.2190
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Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Chiropractic care is not a treatment for autism. Because autism is seen as a neurological disorder and chiropractic helps decrease nerve disturbance, many have found chiropractic care to be a beneficial tool for their child who has been diagnosed with autism.

Autism is becoming radically more and more common. The CDC stated that in the year 1/168 children were diagnosed. In 2010 the CDC stats show 1/68 children are diagnosed with Autism. Today, statistics show 1/50 children are diagnosed with autism and continuing to rise. Why? Why are our children getting sicker and sicker?

Economic Costs
“It is estimated to cost at least $17,000 more per year to care for a child with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) compared to a child without ASD. Costs include health care, special education, ASD-related therapy, family-coordinated services, and caregiver time. For a child with more severe ASD, costs per year increase to over $21,000. Taken together, it is estimated that total societal costs of caring for children with ASD were over $9 billion in 2011.”

Chiropractic Care and Autism
In our chiropractic office we look at the body as a whole. We do not treat autism. We believe the expression of autism is a series of stressors which causes our kids to be sick. We call the stressors the “3 T’s” toxins, traumas, and thoughts. In our office we look at all the factors that could be contributing and causing your child to express neurological challenges and have seen great outcomes. We understand autism is not a simple or easy diagnosis to understand. We are here to help you understand why your child is expressing autism.

If you or someone you know is suffering from autism spectrum disorder, give us a call at 651-653-2190 or email us to see if we can help. We want to help you achieve your health goals!

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