Chiropractor in Forest Lake, MN

  • 15226 W Freeway Drive NE.
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  • Forest Lake, MN 55025
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  • 651.653.2190
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Taking care of the next generation is Total Family Chiropractic’s mission. What better way to impact our future generation then by working with pregnant mommas? Dr. Ashley has special training in prenatal care.

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care
At Total Family Chiropractic, we understand the importance of a healthy pregnancy. The function of the nerve system and spinal column is needed to create a viable environment for baby while still placing a high priority on Mom’s well-being. 

Pubic pain? Low back pain? Sciatic nerve issues? Breech position? Chiropractic adjustments do not treat these symptoms, rather chiropractic adjustments create balance in the nervous system. When moms have a high functioning nervous system and better managed stress, their bodies are able to adapt to the changes occurring throughout pregnancy. Dramatic physical, mental, and emotional changes throughout pregnancy can cause increased spinal column and nervous system stress. A well trained chiropractor, like Dr. Ashley, will find where the spine has increased nerve disturbance (stress) and correct it, allowing the nervous system to function more optimally. A well balance spinal column typically doesn’t have symptoms.

Webster Technique
The Webster technique is a technique used by chiropractors to reduce the tension and torsion in the uterus which could ultimately affect progression of labor, optimal fetal positioning, and a natural pregnancy and birth.

Even though the scarcity of published literature warrants further research, listed are some research articles on pregnancy and chiropractic.

Possible less back pain during labor
A group of women treated with manipulative techniques (chiropractic adjustments) experienced less back pain during labor.
Information Cited From Here

Chiropractic care may help reduce pregnancy pain and symptoms
There is research to support chiropractic and its relationship to the reduction of negative symptoms during pregnancy and birth. In one study, 10 out of 11 women had relief of pain and did not exhibit sacroiliac dysfunction any longer after they were treated with chiropractic adjustments.
Find This Research Here

“…improvement of their intra-uterine constraint”
In another study, 69% of 81 patients that received chiropractic care because of intra-uterine constraint benefited from chiropractic care. Because chiropractic adjustments can help balance the pelvis and uterus by increase structural and nerve function, the women in the study showed improvement of their intra-uterine constraint after chiropractic adjustments.
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Chiropractic care shows to be effective and safe for pregnant women
Published evidence suggests regular chiropractic care may improve the probability of successful natural parturition. This study not only shows the effectiveness of chiropractic and pregnancy, but also shows how safe chiropractic care is for pregnant women. The women noted from 17 different patients treated under chiropractic care had no adverse effects from chiropractic adjustments.
Information Cited From Here

If you or someone you know is pregnant and suffering from discomfort, pain, or looking for a more natural pregnancy and birth, give us a call at 651-653-2190 or email us to see if we can help. We want to help you achieve your health goals!



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