Chiropractor in Forest Lake, MN

  • 15226 W Freeway Drive NE.
  • |
  • Forest Lake, MN 55025
  • |
  • 651.653.2190
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Wellness Care

What is Wellness Care?
Wellness care is a proactive step towards preventing illness, disease, and future problems. Just like going to the dentist to prevent cavities and plaque buildup, chiropractic wellness care is for the person who simply wants to maintain a healthy nervous system and spine. Some patients of ours do not have pain or symptoms and are getting chiropractic adjustment to prevent illness and future issues.

Do you want to prevent illness and disease or treat it? You get to decide.

Possible Short Term Benefits of Chiropractic Wellness Care
Some of our patients have reported the following short term benefits while under chiropractic wellness care:

Possible Long Term Benefits of Chiropractic Wellness Care
Chiropractic wellness care is to help optimize overall health. Some of our patients have reported the following long term benefits while under chiropractic wellness care:

Chiropractic and Overall Cost Savings
Over 7 years: People who chose Chiropractic care as their primary source for health spent:

Reference: From the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapy, May 2007; 30(4): 263-269, Richard L. Sarnat, MD, James Winterstein, DC, Jerrilyn A. Cameron, DC, PHD



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